Wednesday, October 15, 2014

ROI (Return on Investment)

My future self would recommend that I work harder in school. Also, spend less time on my phone and interacting with more people from different walks of life. My future self would recommend that I continue to be a good friend and to stay close with my family. Some advice the future me would give me is to start being more active in different organizations and taking on more leadership roles. Leadership skills are important in my major and this is the time to develop those skills. Also, save more of money. Do not get a girlfriend until after college because it is not worth it right now. Have fun while I’m in school, but also be smart about it. My present self would encourage my past self that I need to learn some good study techniques. High school was very easy for and I never really felt the need to study and those habits haven’t translated very well to college. Although I’ve made past 3 years, it could have went a lot smoother if I studied better. The advice that future me would give present me is pretty similar to the advice present me would give future me. Compared to a lot of people I know, I have invested a lot into my future, but compared to my classmates and parents I need to do more. I need to spend more time on my studies and also on things pertaining to my field of interest. I’m willing to invest a lot more into my future, but sometimes I’m not motivated to do more and that doesn’t help me in the long run. The way I see my future, I will live a fun, joyful life. Although I am having a great time in college, I plan on making a lot of money and traveling the world with my friends and my special lady whenever I find her. I also plan on having a great family and providing them with the best opportunity for a good future.