Thursday, December 4, 2014

Is Blogging An Effective Way To Learn?

Blog (blawg) noun
“1. a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites. “
I believe that blogging is an effective way to learn. The way this class is set up, we learn about an overview of a subject and then we are given a specific topic to write about so we can further understand the subject. Having to write a blog as an assignment forces us to look up and read information on the topic we are studying which makes us learn and expand our knowledge on the topic. Also after reading about it, having to write it in our own words reinforces it and helps us retain the knowledge. This is more effective than reading a bunch of pages from a book or looking at one hundred PowerPoint slides. I like the whole idea of blogging because it feels more contemporary. While looking up the information I got a chance to gain information from different sources which gave me new perspectives on each subject since it wasn’t all coming from one source. Gathering info from more than one source is the best to learn and expand your thought process. This is part of the reason why it is good to surround yourself with people who don’t always think like you. This is also a good reason why the best teams consist of people from different backgrounds and cultures. It’s good to have different experiences and points of views coming together for the same purpose. If all the learning from one class only comes from one teacher and no other experiences on the subject, then the learning will be one sided. Using multiple sources of information for each blog has been the best way (for me) to learn about each subject.