Thursday, December 4, 2014

Top 5 OHSA Vilotions In 2014

In mid-September, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration compiled and released a list of the top 10 most- cited violations for 2014. The bottom five violations in order from 6-10 were: Powered Industrial Trucks, Electrical- Wiring Methods, Ladders, Machine Guarding, and Electrical- General Requirements. The top five starting with #5 is Lockout/ Tagout which means marking equipment that is unusable with a tag that lets other workers not to use it. Lockout/Tagout  is an effective method because machines and equipment break down for various reasons such as a piece missing, electrical wires exposed, etc. and the tagout will be able to show other workers who didn’t know before, what the issue is with the equipment. Number 4 is Respiratory Protection. This includes wearing proper breathing masks for workers who are exposed to harmful air toxins and chemicals. There a lot of companies that, during inspection, did not enforce rules that made workers wear respiratory protection. Number 3 is scaffolding which deals with standing on surfaces that allow workers to reach higher heights when working. The workers weren’t following proper procedures when it came to having all the necessary tools and being safe when it came to standing on these surfaces. The second most cited violation was Hazard Communication. A lot of citations could fall under this category, but to sum it up workers were not being accountable and considerate if theirs and their coworker’s safety. People were not telling each other when something was not safe and also not reminding others when they forgot a safety procedure. The number one most cited safety violation of 2014 was Fall Protection. This consists of wearing the Proper Protection Equipment (PPE) that is required during different high height expenditures. Harnesses weren’t being latched and tightened properly and small mistakes like this could easily result in an injury or even be fatal.